Leveraging strategic partnerships with non-profit organizations, government agencies, and community stakeholders to contribute to the welfare of Wake County. 

Ensuring the well-being and quality of life for every resident of Wake County. 

Wake County Human Services is the county’s largest department, and it very often interfaces with our most vulnerable residents at their most difficult times. With us facing the worst public health crisis of our lifetimes, ensuring that we are there for residents in need is a top priority for me.

As evictions and foreclosures rise, the county needs to step up and ensure that those who made Wake County what it is, can stay here and benefit from all it has to offer. We need to make sure our citizens are housed and work to combat food insecurity. I am particularly concerned about the state of our veterans. As an Army brat, I want to make sure we put them on a path of success. Our veterans have served our country, and I look forward to serving them.

Supporting Vulnerable Populations

We will expand access to essential services such as emergency shelter, food assistance programs, job training, and affordable housing through strategic partnerships with non-profit organizations, government agencies, and community stakeholders.


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Human Services


Economic Strength